2.Why didn't you call? There's only one response to this question: Because he didn't wish to!!! What you're really asking is, "Why didn't you want to call me?" Who knows!! There could be a lot of reasons, but you shouldn't be fixed around questioning why. You should be out dating lots of different guys and not disturbing about ONE guy.
3.Where were you? If he required you to recognise where he was, he'd tell you. What you're really demanding is, "Where you with another female that you like better than me?" Your insecurity is viewing, sweetheart. If anything, he should be wondering where you were.
4.I love you. You're telling it in the hopes that he'll state it back, but what if he doesn't? You'll be wasted and belike feel dim. Saying "I love you" is not going to rush things up if he's not inclined to say it back. So just cool it, and let him be the first to say it when he's ready.
5.Did you sleep with her? As long as he's not sleeping with her now, who worries? The past is gone. Don't torture yourself (and him) with these views. In this case, ignorance very is blissfulness.
6.Are you seeing anyone else? Mystery Story is to men what love affair is to women. You've just indirectly told him that you want to be exclusive, you've handed over find of the relationship and you've shot down the mystery. Who made out 5 words could be so powerful?
7.Where is this lasting? Nowhere fast if that's your mental attitude. Guys want someone fun and prosperous to be with, not someone that's constantly distressing about the future day. His natural actions or non-actions will tell you where it's going. If it's going somewhere, you'll know it. If it's not, you'll know it too.
8.We ask to talk. This is the equal of, "Go to the principal's office". Guys know it's not going to be a fun conversation, so they're already on the denial. If you need to discuss something, just casually bring it up when the both of you are unwound. Don't try to talk to him when he's fatigued, worried or trying to watch tv!
9.What are you considering? What you're really asking is: Is something wrong? Are you frantic at me? Are you thinking about our relationship? Are you thinking about me? Are you thinking about someone else? If he wants you to know what he's thinking, he'll tell you on his own. If he doesn't, he'll lie when you ask.
10.I don't trust you. What you're actually saying is, "You need to step up your game, because I can see you're up to something." If he is up to something, he'll just become even sneakier. Better to think brilliant and act dumb-it'll be easier to get the prove you need to sustain your suspicions. -quickarticletips
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