I wanted to talk to you and answer the question of what is snoring. This is a condition that leaves a person with vibration and resonation of loose tissue in their throat. Your breathing patterns change as your sleep moves into a deeper state. That makes your breathing turn into a rhythm, which increases the odds of ending up with resonating. Obviously people that suffer with this don't really have a problem with it because they're sound asleep. It's usually the wife in the bed next to you, or a person in the adjacent room that is driven absolutely crazy all night long because of it. Now that I've answered what is snoring, I'm going to help answer how to cure snoring problems, so that you can get rid of it. What a lot of people don't understand is that their jaw is actually the root cause to snoring. If you look at how a person snores, you'll notice that they have their jaw open or at least loose. When your jaw is down like that, the muscles in your throat actually contract. If you don't believe me, try swallowing with your mouth open. The throat is too contracted for you to swallow. With a tighter airway, you're going to cause even more vibration and that leads to louder snoring. So I will show you how to cure snoring problems. All you need is a simple jaw supporter. It's like a headband that wraps around your head to hold your jaw up. That's all there is to it. When your jaw is up, your throat will expand and there will be a lot of room for air to travel. That means you're going to completely stop your snoring.
-Charles Nash
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