Detoxing the body to afford the skin its optimal opportunity for beauty consists of the following steps:
These top 10 detox foods have been shown to provide the best all-around nutrients that work hard to get rid of the toxins in your body. Apples, avocados, artichokes, beet root, cruciferous vegetables, garlic, kiwi, prunes, seaweed, and watercress. Other honorable mention goes to alfalfa, asparagus, bananas, bran cereals, brazil nuts, carrots, eggs, and tofu. Vitally important is water, which is needed to flush toxins through our system. 8 glasses daily is the standard. You can also eat high water foods like watermelon, celery, cucumbers, pears, and grapes. Reduce toxin intake switch to organic foods wherever possible. Always rinse foods before eating to rid them of pesticide residuals. Eat only lean cuts of meat and cut off any noticeable fat.
Avoid sugar at all costs.
A recent study at New York State University in Buffalo documented that within two hours of eating 300 calories of sugar (the equivalent of one can of soda and some chocolate), the number of free radicals increased by 140%. The USDA says consumption should never exceed more than 40 grams of sugar a day.
Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine.
Two forms of exercise are particularly beneficial in detoxing the body.
- aerobic exercise supports detox by encouraging sweating, increasing circulation, breaks down fat, and stimulates the lymphatic system. To get maximum benefits, between 30-90 minutes per session, 3-5 sessions per week.
- Eastern exercise, the most common are Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong. Specific advantages to Yoga aiding the detox process are by stretching the muscles, toxins are released, they teach proper breathing, balances inner body energy, and stimulates the lymphatic system. A 20 minute Eastern exercise session, 3 times weekly is thought to be beneficial.
Not enough can be said about the importance of reducing stress for detoxification. A recent study published in the American Journal of Hypertension found that Yoga reduces blood pressure, which has been induced by stress, can be significantly reduced in as little as three minutes. The importance thing is, the less stressed you are, it's less likely you'll turn to the "comforting toxins" like alcohol, nicotine, sugar, and fat. Simple rules for stress reduction are avoid stressful situations, sleep a minimum of 8 hours per night, and use periodic relaxation times during stressful situations.
The top 10 stress fighters are as follows:
- Plan a head. Manage your time and your duties.
- Cut down on caffeine. Get your lift from ginger and peppermint teas, which boost energy and mental clarity.
- Practice Yoga. Even gentle stretching every day is beneficial.
- B Vitamins. Include breakfast cereals, whole grain bread, milk, meat, yogurt, eggs, and bananas.
- Release tension during the day. Plan periodic tension release sessions Eat carbohydrates for lunch, 1 to 2 ounces of bread, pasta, rice, or potato
- Exercise. Just 10 minutes of walking a day helps detox Aromatherapy, 15 minutes daily provides a calm psychological tension reducer Supplement your adrenal glands ginseng is the most commonly recommended "booster" in a dose of 500 to 1,000 mg/per day
- Good sleep. Milk or dairy products and protein contain tryptophan, which help aid deep sleep. Hand wash most germs enter the body through the nose or eyes when we touch our face. Washing your hands hourly cuts the amount of germs on them and so reduces the risk of pollutants, germs, bacteria, mold, and infection. Valuable nutrients and antioxidants are used up fighting pollutants, etc. and, during the process, allow toxins to increase. In a recent study the US Navy conducted in Illinois, hourly hand washing cut sick days by 45%.
- Take a sauna. The human immune system works better at slightly higher temperatures than normal. Europeans have documented a sauna, at least temporarily, increases immunity. Take one whenever possible, 2-3 times weekly is ideal.
- Take supplements a host of nutrients can help repair some of the damage that improperly detoxifying causes. Vitamin B12, as an example, helps rebuild cells in the lungs and Vitamin B3 opens cells that nicotine has damaged. Take a good multi-vitamin that has mineral supplements.
- Massage. A massage can be conducted on body specific areas like the liver or kidneys that react positively to stimulation. Kidneys and liver are key organs in the elimination of toxins in the detoxification process. If you have a medical condition, seek advice from a physician before treating yourself, some oils can interfere with medical conditions including epilepsy and diabetes. It is important to understand that the skin will reflect the health of the entire body as the circulation system ends up depositing the toxins in the skin cells as we discussed above. A commitment to the seven steps above, in connection with the use of premium natural skin care products, allow our skin to have the glow of beauty we all desire. Skin care products should be botanically based and never include petrochemical or animal/animal by-product ingredients.
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I love this article. It's packed full of good information on every area of healthy living. Thanks for reminding me that good health for one is good health for all. That is, anything that is healthy for one part of me is probably healthy for all parts. Thanks!