This is not some strange concept, but simply means the things that his body will show you from the way he behaves in general. This concerns every movement that the guy will take, which will help to reveal how he truly feels whether he is aware of it or not. This is due to the fact that the human body normally tends to react as per our various reflexes.
Although no two people will behave in exactly the same way, there are some general indicators that will help you to determine a particular guy's interest. Let us take a look at the general guidelines you can use to read his body language.
Watch his facial reaction
When it comes to body language, the face plays a very key role. In many cases, what someone feels is normally displayed on the face first of all. In case the guy's face betrays some signs of shyness, this is an indication that he has some interest in you.
There are a number of things you should take into consideration in order for you to reach the correct conclusion by reading the guy's face. How does he look at you? His confidence will show through in case he faces you directly, which means that he believes in his ability to make a successful approach. On the other hand, in case the guy seems to focus on other things during your conversations, there are a number of possible reasons. His lack of self confidence may be making him nervous, but this happens because he is interested in you. Alternatively, he may be avoiding direct eye contact with you in a bid to hide his dishonesty. This is particularly the case if he shifts his entire face away from you. Although a nervous guy who is interested in you will avoid eye contact, his face will never the less be directed towards you.
In addition to making eye contact, an interested guy who is confident will watch your mouth as you speak. This is essentially in order to get every word that you say so as not to miss anything. However, if he is afraid to make his approach, he will avoid eye contact but will still face you.
Check his hand movements
Although the face is very important when it comes to reading body language, men are aware of this fact too. So some have perfected the art of hiding what their faces can tell you. If you draw a blank from his face, watch his hands instead. A variety of hand movements will reveal different things. For instance tapping ones fingers will tend to indicate boredom. While touching the nose gives an indication of lying, touching the chin shows the passing of judgment.
A guy's general posture will reveal to you more than just his interest. For example, although he is interested in you, if he stands with the hands akimbo, it shows that he looks down on you, which is not a good sign. -Chris Roberts
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