Things You'll Need:
* 3/8 Cup Organic Extra Virgin Olive
* 1 Tablespoon Jojoba OIl
* 1 Cup Organic Alkanet Root, dried
* 4 Tablespoons Organic Beeswax Granules or Grated Organic Beeswax
* 9 Drops Rose Essential Oil
* Double Boiler
* Cheesecloth or Muslin
* Small Lip pots or Balm jars
Instruction :
- Heat gently the Olive & Jojoba in the top of a double boiler for about 10 minutes
- Remove from heat
- Add the Alkanet Root
- Steep for about 30 minutes, this will allow the Alkanet Root time to "give up" its lucious color
- Remove the double boiler from heat and wipe bottom, this helps ensure that you don't get any water into your mix
- Pour content into a jar that you've placed a piece of cheesecloth or muslin over the top of
- Squeeze to get every last delectable drop of goodness!
- Now take the strained mixture and return it to the double boiler
- Add beeswax
- When beeswax has melted remove from heat
- Let mixture cool slightly
- Add Rose Essential Oil and gently stir after each drop
- Pour into sterilized lip pots or balm jars and ENJOY!
- Did you know that Jojoba isn't really an oil at all, but rather it is a wax? Yep it's true!
- If you'd like this to be a Lip Gloss, add just a bit more oil!
- Remember that you aren't using any preservatives, so when you're not using your lipstick, place it in the fridge
- Use a cotton tip or micro mini spatula, this will help keep fingers, which have germs on them, out of the pot
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