Make Your Own Homemade Hand Lotion
Gas prices are going up. Money is tight. So how are we supposed to save money? One way is by making things at home that you would have to pay good money for in the store. In many cases, things you make at home will end up costing you a lot less than things purchased already made in the store.
To Make This Homemade Hand Lotion
Melt the petroleum jelly and beeswax in a double boiler. Add the glycerin and heat for several minutes until the mixture is smooth and well heated. Add the bee pollen and pour into a container while still hot since the mixture does harden as it cools.
Did You Know ?
Glycerin is a humectant, meaning it attracts moisture to your skin. Glycerin is a natural by-product of the soapmaking process and while commercial manufacturers remove the glycerin for use in their more profitable lotions and creams.
homemade hand cream
use 2 teaspoons of perfumed body lotion and 1 to 2 drops of red food color. Put stearic acid, glycerin and wax in a "crock" on low heat, until all is well melted. Then add the 1/2 ounce of ammonia and stir fast with a wooden spoon (this will look a little milky). Have Borax dissolved in warm water; add, stir and immediately start beating (on low speed). Take off stove and beat until it looks like whipped cream.
Featuring Soaps Made the Old Fashion Way
Starting with an olive oil base, by adding a little coconut oil, some shortening and lye, with lots of patience and stirring, we can create a high quality, gentle soap. There is a waiting time for the soap to cure in their molds and when they are finished we have a lovely, hard bar that lasts a very long time.
Homemade hand cream recipes
Squeeze the oil out of 2 or 3 vitamin E capsules into a bowl. Add 2 Tbsp. each of olive oil and coconut oil, and mix together. This makes about a 4 oz. mixture. This can be stored in the refrigerator or a cool place for a few weeks, and used as needed. Since the concoction is very smooth, you may want to use it at bedtime as a night cream.
Hand creams are easily made at home. Most of them involve the use of beeswax as it is one of the best natural ingredients that lock in the moisture and protect the skin of the hands from drying and damage.
All Natural Hand Cream Recipes
Our natural hand cream helps heal dry, chaffed skin with regular use; Great for elbows, knees and feet. Contains contains grapeseed oil infused with Calendula flowers, aloe vera, tea tree oil, beeswax and tinture of benzoin. Great for rough, chapped hands, elbows and feet. Softens AND Heals.
A honey and almond cream that works great for dry skin requires 2 ounces of honey, 4 ounces of lanolin, and 2 ounces of almond oil. Melt the honey in a double boiler. Add the lanolin and mix thoroughly. Remove from heat and let cool. When cooled, add the almond oil, stirring well. Add perfume if desired. A shaving cream that can be made at home requires 8 ounces of heavy mineral oil, 8 ounces of glycostearin (diglycol stearate), and 40 ounces of water.
Dissolve gum in 1 cup lukewarm water. Soft water should be used. Let stand 24 hours or til it gels, then add other ingredients. Shake well and dilute with warm soft water until the desired consistency is obtained. Personal note from Sherry - Nope, I don't know what gill is. -Saiera
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