Unbelievably, most sexual assaults happen with the assailant known to the victim. Stranger rape, obviously, is with an unknown assailant and is usually accompanied with a weapon making it life threatening.
This scenario, while specific to Colorado Springs, is replicated in many towns and cities throughout the country-maybe even your town. It is suspected that most of these assaults are gang related-not good news.
Recently the police department issued some guidance on how to avoid such attacks. They fall in the category of DUH! Well excuse me they are also called no-brainers especially if you live in the bad part of town wherever that is. Every town has at least one where gangs seem more prevalent.
WALKING. If walking anywhere like the store, out for some exercise, anywhere at all try to do it in daylight hours or if at night stay in well lit areas. And if possible don't go alone. Go with a friend. Walk confidently too, head up and briskly always aware of your surroundings.
RIDES. I remember back in my high school days in Cleveland many moons ago I had to hitchhike about 18 miles to get close to home then walk another mile for the last leg of the journey. I wouldn't think of doing that these days. For folks at bus stops or wherever DON'T
accept rides from strangers.
ALWAYS CARRY. Always have some self defense products with you. A stun gun, pepper spray, personal alarm, or a combination thereof works best. They are inexpensive, easy to use and effective as can be
Self defense products like stun guns, pepper sprays and personal alarms allow you time to escape. They will give you from 3-15 minutes to escape to get help or just escape and survive.
They are not the answer for every situation but having a self defense product and knowing how to use it develops a sense of confidence that in and of itself can be a life saver. Get some today and learn how to use them-they could save your life.
Stun guns are not legal in some states. Some cities and states have restrictions on pepper sprays. Check with your local police department. -Jack Krohn
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