Just think about world we live in today. I don’t want to scare you, I just want you to realize the fact – No one is immune to violence. Doesn't it make sense to know how to be AWARE and also be PREPARED before it's too late? What if women’s self-defence techniques or self-defence kungfu is not that inaccessible via self-defence books or trainings?
You may say you've seen it all in the movie or in the papers. “But those things happen to others and not to me - or so I thought...” But do you really know that women age 12 or older annually sustained almost 5 million violent victimizations ever since 1992 and 1993? About three-quarters of all lone-offender violence against women and 45% of violence involving multiple-offenders was perpetrated by offenders whom the victim knew. In 29% of all violence against women by a lone offender, the perpetrator was an intimate (husband, ex-husband, boyfriend or ex-boyfriend). So, the women’s self-defense techniques seem to become a must in your lifetime unless you degrade yourself to be good for nothing.
You should pay more attention:
- If you see or sense problems on your way, just change your route and - prepare to run or defend yourself
- Do not wear conspicuous jewelry when you are walking on the streets alone
- Do not hitchhike, use buses or taxis instead
- Do not act or look like an easy target - look confident!
- Most "fights" are won before they start, and aggressors will back down if you maintain eye contact and are not intimidated by them.
If you are being stalked, or if your life is being threatened, if someone who harmed or threatened you is being released from prison, or if you live or work in a highly dangerous environment, AWARE is available to help you find the resources and training you need to keep yourself alive.
Here comes the necessity of the Women’s Self-Defence Kungfu Video Tutorials and Ebooks. The women self-defense technique and kungfu eBooks and video is just a special book of women’s self-defence techniques that have been skillfully set up, divided into six well-labeled sections including How to cope with front violation, back violation, How to Avoid Weapons, How to Break a Hold and others. The well tested techniques are painstakingly explained, with exercises to practice, illustrations and suggestions (and cautions) all the way through. The illustrations are clear and suitable placed to aid in practicing the exercises. Just as a Chinese saying goes, "self defense is not about being big and strong. It is about getting correct information to your brain so that you can be effective." Her big message is Get Home Safely and in this easy to follow book, she shows you how to do that. -Iamwoman
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