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Friday, June 5

The Facts of Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is defined as any type of sexual activity that one do not agree to. This includes touching any part of one’s body with any part of the offenders body, forcing one to look at sexual material or forcing one to touch oneself. It also includes rape. There are many ways that someone can be forced: physically forced, to be threatened with harm, to be pressured by someone in authority and/or to be under the influence of drugs.

Contrary to popular belief sexual assault is a crime of power and violence, not passion and lust. 75% are planned not impulsive. 80% of these assaults are committed by acquaintances.

Many women blame themselves for this attack. If they did not consent to the sexual activity it does not matter how they were dressed, if they had been drinking, did not fight back for fear of getting hurt worse.

The trauma can cause all sorts of emotional problems. Besides the guilt, many victims will become depressed and face future trust issues socially and sexually. Many will turn to smoking, drinking and/or drugs; many will suffer posttraumatic stress disorder.

Physically a woman would face a plethora of problems such as cuts, bruises and broken bones. The possibility of sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancy and internal injuries always exists with rape. One should seek medical attention immediately and consider counseling for the long term.

There are ways to help minimize the chances of this happening to you or a loved one. Always be aware of your surroundings. Be confident and assertive in your personal and professional relationships. -Su Ericksen

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