• Have more fun. Go for a drive. Take a walk or a hike. Cook a meal together. Watch something silly on television. Read the same book and discuss it. Take 30 minutes out of your day to talk, laugh and just enjoy being together.
• Take a class. Better yet, take two classes… you choose one and your partner chooses another. This will expose you to something new and you’ll know a little more about each other by learning about one another’s interests.
• Lighten up. Don’t take things personally. Most of the time, it isn’t personal. We all have moods and issues which usually dictate how we react and respond at any given moment. Remember that it’s not always about you or how your partner feels about you.
• Talk. Ask your partner about their day, how they are, what they need, how they are feeling. If he or she doesn’t want to talk at the moment, honor their space. If something happened that upset or confused you, talk it out. Be open, non-judgmental and honest.
Information is energy in formation which allows for peace. If you don’t ask for clarity, you may stew about a situation and come up with all kinds of scenarios which may not even be true. This will add to your stress and create tension.
So have more fun, lighten up and talk. Enjoy your relationship and remember why you came together in the first place! -Julie Farha
Good tips u've got here. Thanks!! My boyfriend just start working (night shift) and both of us have problem in adjusting our time. We hardly talk to each other as out time are different. The only time to have fun together is during weekend. Thank god that we still have sundays. :)