The so called dieter will get discouraged quite easily because of failure to get results. We have in front of us many who have sallied forth despite early failures. Many of these past dieters are now happy success stories. They are all over the place. What does that tell us? It tells us simply to hang in there as the saying goes.
Do you think that today's successful dieters had failures? Yes they did, however; they also saw the overwhelming potential of success through determination and "stick- to-activeness".
That brings us back to MINDSET. What exactly is mindset anyway?
Webster has one description ... a fixed mental attitude formed by experience, education etc.
Well that is fine but it must be followed through. How does your mindset rule your life? Yes that is right RULE your life! Most people discover a routine for day to day that becomes comfortable.
So what is comfortable for you becomes your mindset. For most people it is how they view their life.
Are you in your comfort zone? To be successful in your diet/weight loss attempts you cannot be comfortable and lay back so to speak.
You hear of individuals purchasing lottery tickets hoping for a big windfall. Purchasing the lottery tickets did not require any real work, real effort, or real action on the part of the owner.
In your diet/weight loss efforts you will find yourself stretching yourself out working to succeed. Yes your diet/weight loss success does not just happen.
You will need to accomplish many things to make it become successful. In other words you will have work at it to make it work.
So you will need to educate your self with all the many tools that you will need to make your diet/weight loss a success for you. Even when armed with knowledge and tools they are of no use when not applied.
A lazy person will not be successful in his/hers diet/weight loss program.
What is your mindset? Do you desire a better life, freedom from physical health worries? Do you want a better life and health conditions? Basically if you want to better yourself you must exert yourself.
In the world there is a saying...NOTHING FOR NOTHING, Here is the mathematical equation for success anywhere...
Sadly you may have been informed that all you need to do pop some diet pills and sit home and you will lose your weight with no effort on your part.
This is not to say that some weight loss will not occur it just says it will all come back again.
Henry Ford - You know the first Henry Ford the Car maker. - Well he had a saying put on the his office wall that is so very true about MINDSET ... "If you think you can... Or if you think you can't... EITHER WAY YOUR RIGHT"
All dieters will tell you they put in a lot of time and effort to get their programs in place and operating.
They will tell you that they gave up past poor eating habits that were abusing the health of their body. They will tell you that they forced themselves to get out of their previous comfort zone of poor habits.
At this point let us rearrange your MINDSET and create a real diet/weight loss working MINDSET.
We must first have a PURPOSE.
Then we can formulate a PLAN or PLANS to carry out our purpose. What is the difference?
PLANS can fail... The PURPOSE cannot fail!
Example: An Army General has a purpose... "Win the battle." He makes several plans with built in strategies to gain his purpose ..." Win the Battle" As the battle ensues he finds that he is losing.
He now switches to plan B.
Plan B is working he is gaining the upper hand however, the casualties are numerous.
He now puts Plan C into action. He is holding his own but now he losing ground that he gained.
What will he do?
Surrender? Some plans worked some did not.
His purpose is to WIN THE BATTLE!
He does not surrender!
In the heat of the battle he consults with field commanders and Plan D is now developed and put into action.
The Battle takes a turn.
The enemy is routed he is successful he WINS THE BATTLE fulfillinghis original PURPOSE.
There is only one way for our PURPOSE to fail.
When we ABANDON our PURPOSE then the purpose will fail. You can win the mental game and your purpose will be successful.
In the Diet and weight loss arena there are many individuals and groups that are available to help us all to become successful.
Even those who are successful still look for ways to improve themselves and stay on course. No laziness here. -John Schmidt
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