“It’s very critical that you do get the weight off, because if you don’t it has been associated with overweight and obesity 15 to 20 years later in life,” says Debra Krummel, PhD, RD (endowed professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences).
Many women want to get their pre-pregnancy weight back as soon as possible- and that's understandable. However, don’t be too overeager. Life modifies after giving birth- a baby typically comes with new responsibilities and problems, making it tougher to follow through on your programs to lose weight. Your position can be really stressful. All your vitality might be needed. Allow yourself a 3-month recovery period after giving birth.
If you are a new mother, you might face a lot of problems when it comes to regular exercise. Some common issues are:
The schedule is erratic- The feeding schedule (including night time feeds) might vary always, making it difficult to plan anything.
You might get only a couple of minutes for yourself before you need to do something else. If you are used to do your exercise without interruption, you might have to rethink your approach: Several short-term bursts of physical activity can serve you too and are easier to squeeze into your schedule. Keep the exercise program easy. The most crucial thing is, that you really do what you plan to do.
You might go through emotional ups and downs, related to changes in the endocrine system. Just as a short reminder: Exercise will assist you to feel better. Even if you do not feel like exercising, try to do it as much as doable.
Guilt- You might concentrate all your attention on your child. But: You’ll be better able to care for your baby if you are strong and healthy. Try to get some time for yourself.
Different schedule of your support group- If you’re used to work out with a friend, it might be impossible to schedule now. What frequently helps is to find other mothers and exercise together.
Exhaustion and fatigue- particularly if you’re nursing, you might not feel as energetic as you’ve used to. Of course, since breast feeding needs about 500 additional calories per day, it helps you to lose weight after your pregnancy. Your energy might be lower. Assess your energy level and only do what you can do at a given moment.
Just remember: It needed 9 months to increase the weight; give yourself at least the identical time to lose weight after pregnancy. -Perry Permann
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