What reduces libido during menopause?: During menopause estrogen levels decline. Estrogen does not have a direct role in reducing libido, but its decline causes physical changes that make sex less pleasurable and sometimes painful. Any one of the following factors could reduce libido:
- vaginal dryness
- thinning of the vaginal lining
- less blood flow to the genital area
- urinary incontinence
- yeast infection
- feeling unattractive
- estrogen treatments
- hot flashes
- night sweats
- removal of or damage to the ovaries
- lower androgen levels
Identify the factors that apply to you, discuss them with your doctor, and consider the solutions described below.
Solutions for vaginal problems: Menopause often causes the vaginal lining to become dry, thin, less elastic, and more vulnerable to infections. These conditions make sexual activity very uncomfortable. Consider the following strategies:
- Use a vaginal lubricant during sexual activity
- Apply vitamin E oil externally
- Do not use body lotion, petroleum jelly, or baby oil
- Use a vaginal moisturizer twice per week to increase moistness
- Avoid drying soaps, bath oils, and bubble baths
- Avoid antihistamines
- Use prescribed estrogen gel, cream, or vaginal ring
- Consider alternatives to intercourse such as massage and mutual masturbation
Androgen therapies: Sometimes levels of androgen, a hormone thought to have a role in libido, are reduced. Androgen can decline when ovaries are removed or damaged, when estrogen or steroid therapies are used, and with some medical conditions. Your doctor may prescribe an androgen treatment to help increase your libido.
Stress management: Stress management strategies are essential for coping with the physical and emotional aspects of menopause. When you are feeling rested and happy you are more likely to be interested in sex. Review how you are currently looking after yourself. Some ideas to pursue are a nutritious diet, quitting smoking, reducing caffeine and alcohol, and regular exercise.
Solutions for urinary incontinence: Urinary accidents or leaks are often a result of menopausal changes. Speak to your doctor and find out about ways to work with this uncomfortable situation.
Hot flashes and night sweats: Hot flashes and night sweats can be exhausting and stressful. If stress reduction strategies don't work, consult with your doctor about hormone therapy.
Keep looking for causes and solutions: Menopause may bring about some challenges, but it definitely should not mark the end of your libido. There are many possible causes and solutions for reduced libido before and after menopause. This article has only covered a few. It is important to not give up and to keep exploring until you find solutions that work for you.
Is Menopause lowering your libido? Exercise and healthy living can help get your drive back on track! Get your libido back and reduce your menopause symptoms today!. -Julie
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