However today, women who smoke have increased in the number that before even with all the dangers that medical experts have cited caused by addiction to this habit.
What is difficult to understand is the reason as to why. Could it be just another fun activity they have realized or a strategy to outdo their male counterparts?
I think this is completely personal and individual women are likely to raise diverse reasons as to why they cannot cease smoking.
What is certain and perhaps bound to happen one day in future is the consequences of having to be an addict of cigarette smoking in general.
Nevertheless, women have got more to loose health wise than men because, apart from suffering from common diseases linked to smoking, there are other specific illnesses that occur only to women.
To start with is the menstruation or menopause. Some reliable knowledge quote smoking as being capable of lowering the levels of estrogen in a woman’s body, which is why they develop normal cycle alterations or unusual bleeding.
Also, they say that it is linked to severe problems during menopause or just having it come earlier than it should.
Infertility problems is the effect of cigarette smoking that many of us are aware of and women addicts stand a higher chance of giving birth to premature, low weight babies and reduced chances of conceiving.
If you would like to understand the theory behind cigarette smoking and reproduction in women and men, your doctor is in a better position to explain more.
Women who also use hormonal types of contraceptives and smoke are said to be at higher risks of developing severe risks such as blood clots, heart conditions and stroke.
And since smoking affects your man such that he become impotent, you realize that as a woman who does not smoke, probability of getting pregnant by him is reduced.
What’s more, they can risk suffering breast cancer that is a great killer of women and also men now. Studies state that the number of cigarettes smoked per day can affect a woman’s survival rate.
The infrequent form of cancer of the vulva is forty eight percent times more likely to affect a woman who is addicted to cigars.
And is looking youthful when we are actually aged not what many women dream of? The bad news is that cigarette smoking cause premature wrinkling on the skin and the opposite happens.
You know, appearing old than a woman is! For you stay away heart conditions, respiratory problems, cancers and all diseases caused by this form addiction, quit it now!
This has never been easy, but many people have done this successfully. One must make up their minds so as to avoid the urge for a cigar.
Women who want to survive this addiction must want to avoid the health problems related to it from within. Keeping a distance from peers who also smoke is a plus.
Is it weight gain that you are afraid of? I think it is better risking the five or so pounds of weight and escape the cancer, reproductive problems, heart and respiratory disorders later in life.
You can also quit and exercise concurrently to stay away from weight gain and end you with better chances of having a better womanly health in future. Please quit cigarette smoking if you know what is good for you!. -Esteri Maina
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